On Friday 19th November Barossa Film Club screens the last of its programme for 2021, the 1949 Italian masterpiece “The Bicycle Thieves” directed by Vittorio Dia Sica and starring non-professional actors Lamberto Maggiorani, Enzo Staiola and Lianella Carrell.
The story tells of a man in post-war, poverty-stricken Rome, who struggles to make ends meet, finally managing to get a job hanging posters through the bustling streets. For the job, he needs his bicycle, which is in the pawn-shop. His wife sells the bed-sheets in order to redeem the bicycle. On his first day, his bicycle is stolen, effectively ending his job and leaving his family in even more abject poverty. So he and his son start to scour the streets for the dastardly thieves.
This is a story told by real people about real problems faced by the desperately poor. The head of the family is driven to test all his resolve and push beyond the boundaries of moral behaviour as he and his son desperately try to trace the one means whereby he can earn money to feed his family. Poignant and engrossing this is one of the great film of the 20th century and has been widely acclaimed by critics. As Michael Elliott said, “BICYCLE THIEVES works on a number of levels but without giving anything away, the ending has to be one of the greatest ever done for a film. The movie contains more power and emotion than any of the fake “dramas” that get released each year and it remains one of all-time greats.”
The film will screen at Faith College Wine Centre at 7.30 pm on Friday 19th November. Because this is the last showing for the year, supper will be served before the film starts and the doors will open at 6.30 pm. Entry is free to members and membership is obtainable at the door. Attendees are welcome to bring their own beverages, but please note that, because of ongoing covid restrictions on seating it is essential that those attending register with the Front of House Allan Pearce on telephone 0417 002 708 or email allan_jill@bigpond.com